Laurie. S., NJ

I had been suffering from pain in my right wrist for nearly a year when I came to see Dr. Kevanian. I had put off seeing anyone about this problem because I was afraid that the remedy might be surgery, a brace, pain medication, physical therapy or a combination of these things. Dr. Kevanian took X-rays of my back and then, on my first appointment for chiropractic adjustment, made several adjustments to my back and neck. He determined that the problem with my wrist was largely due to a misalignment in my neck. During that very first appointment, I was thrilled to regain significant freedom of movement in my arm and wrist. With subsequent adjustments over the following weeks, my arm was completely pain-free with full freedom of movement.

The test came a month or two later, while I was attending a children's activity. I was chatting with a friend when, out of my peripheral vision, I saw a little girl about to fall and get seriously hurt. Without even thinking about it, I leaned out and caught her whole weight on my arm and wrist at an angle that previously would have caused me great pain. Not only was I able to prevent this little girl from getting hurt, I was able to do it with complete freedom of movement, full strength and without pian. I greatly appreciate the benefit of chiropractic adjustments as well as Dr. Kevanian's caring manner with patients, enthusiasm for his work, and his professionalism.   - Laurie. S.,  NJ