Testimony of Healing

When I first met Dr. Kevanian, I was accompanying my husband who was in severe pain from a partially dislocated shoulder. He was so vastly improved after his first adjustment that I realized that Dr. Kevanian could help me with some long standing problems.

For quite some time, I had been living with consistently stiff neck muscles. It had gotten to the point that my head rotation was very limited. And the stiffness made it so that I could not sleep very well, often waking up several times each night. There were many nights when I would have to sleep on our sofa partially sitting up. Also, when drving, I had to turn my upper body if I needed to look behind me due to the limited neck rotation previously menitoned.

Aftern just one adjustment, I was able to move my neck easily from left to right and, I actually slept comfortably, in bed, that night, all night. I was also happy to discover that the same day, that the knee pain that had limited my ability to take long walks had simply disappeared after my adjustment. I now have no pain whatsover in my knoee or in my neck, and am enjoying the freedom of movement that I had years ago.

Additionally, I have been having frequently recurring sinus problems. I mentioned that to Dr. Kevanian on my first visit as well.  He adjusted my sinuses and that problem simply stopped. Also, I had been experiencing numbness on my entire left side that extended to three of my toes. That situation is vastly improved as well.

Fianlly in addition to great freedom of movement from the combination of all of the above and an extremely improved feeling of overall wellness. I can now bend over from a standing position and touch my toes, which was simply not possible before.

To say the least I now a strong advocate of chiropractic treatment and, more specifically, would very strongly recommend Dr. Kevanian to anyone who needs this type of treatment.

Sandra S.